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Re: Leeds Central Model - Next stop Nottingham.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:05 pm
by Atlantic 3279
STA79263 sig box.jpg

Re: Leeds Central Model - Next stop Nottingham.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:05 am
by Flying Fox 34F
I was there on Saturday (Robert (the devil)) can confirm this. I quite enjoyed Leeds Central, but I see your point about DCC diesel sound. Unfortunately, whenever I came looking for you, you were else where, but I still took the trouble to give the V2 the once over. It looks lovely and I still want one. I agree with what you said about the show, though I was confused to find a North American layout in the Euro Zone! The main thing is that I had a good time and it seems so did you.
By the way, I spotted on the Replica Railways stand that they were selling complete and decorated 4200 gallon tenders for £10.00
Paul 4475

Re: Leeds Central Model - Next stop Nottingham.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:17 am
by Atlantic 3279
As a prelude to something we may organise more effectively later in the year, Leeds Central had some 1930s visitors last night to explore the potential for "period photography". The following hurried selection of pictures are what I believe may be termed "rushes", straight from the camera with no cropping for better composition, no removal of unwanted background features like Deltics (so Mick B should be pleased), no attention to brightness / colour / contrast. One or too challenges will be present if we try to do a more formal photo shoot. There are passengers and staff in in 60s dress to avoid, questionable styles of ticket kiosk, a very clean interior to the trainshed and some tangerine signs to hide or temporarily replace, just for starters...
"Doncaster" is under construction on the new lower boards around the sides of John's loft too, above which there is also now an O Gauge double circuit with loops and some choice locomotives, albeit in BR livery.
If/when time allows I may return with some improved versions of a more considered selection of images.










(Sorry John)


Re: Leeds Central Model latest - A 1930s interlude.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:29 am
by mojo
Do you have a schedule of forthcoming exhibitions?

Maurice C.

Re: Leeds Central Model latest - A 1930s interlude.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:33 am
by jwealleans
He looks pleased to see you.

Re: Leeds Central Model latest - A 1930s interlude.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:46 am
by mick b
Deltics I see no Deltics :D :D

Nice layout and you can see what is actually there !!

Easy way to make it more period Black and White photos :shock:

Re: Leeds Central Model latest - A 1930s interlude.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:24 am
by jwealleans
I can see a Deltic.

Re: Leeds Central Model latest - A 1930s interlude.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:49 pm
by LNER4479
So can I...aaaarghhhh! :shock: (in the fiddle yard in the background of one of the shots)

Great pix otherwise and an instantly different 'take' on the location. You know where to come if you need more 'correct' stock to fill the shots (Surely a picture with the Quint diner set in the station is a 'must'?! :wink: )

Doncaster looks recognisable, even from those first few shots. Is it too late to suggest that John narrows the track spacing for the two centre roads (ie the ECML fasts), given that it is dead straight through the station?

Re: Leeds Central Model latest - A 1930s interlude.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:28 pm
by mick b
mick b wrote:Deltics I see no Deltics :D :D

Nice layout and you can see what is actually there !!

Easy way to make it more period Black and White photos :shock:

I was using a Nelson phrase used at Battle of ?? :D realating to ships I see no ships !!! :lol:

Re: Leeds Central Model latest - A 1930s interlude.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 5:58 pm
by jwealleans
Wasn't it Copenhagen and what he actually said was 'I see no signal'? Thus ignoring the command to retire and going on to win a famous victory (just as well, really).

Re: Leeds Central Model latest - A 1930s interlude.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:11 pm
by Atlantic 3279
mojo wrote:Do you have a schedule of forthcoming exhibitions?

Maurice C.
This year the only date I know of for Leeds Central is at Hull, 8/9th November.

I believe there is a frenzy in Autumn 2015 - Caistor, Leeds and Spalding.

Re: Leeds Central Model latest - A 1930s interlude.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:22 pm
by mick b
jwealleans wrote:Wasn't it Copenhagen and what he actually said was 'I see no signal'? Thus ignoring the command to retire and going on to win a famous victory (just as well, really).
Correct to both JW, but Horatio said in response to the signal " I see no ships" using his telescope to his blind eye , or was it Deltics perchance ?? :lol:

Re: Leeds Central Model latest - A 1930s interlude.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:25 pm
by Danby Wiske
It's lovely to see the correct shade of green on this layout! :D

This may be a daft suggestion, but, for photographic purposes, could the tangerine signs be photoshopped? Or was the 1930's lettering a different style?

Re: Leeds Central Model latest - A 1930s interlude.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:32 pm
by Atlantic 3279
I'd like to know the answer to that too.

Re: Leeds Central Model latest - A 1930s interlude.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 10:42 pm
by 35windsorlad
To Graham 4479. Thanks for the input Graham, I have already spaced the up and down main to the prototype of 6ft,It doesn't look all that clear on the photograph, the up and down slow are spaced about 8ft from the main. I have studies the running line at Doncaster for many years and it is a feature that can easily be recognised . Since Atlantic's visit last night I have just about completed the north end, and it looks good. Yes it will have Brunswick Green A1/3/4's as well as those diesel beasts, all will be pulling 10+ bogies not like modern units of today .