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Change of Business Name

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:44 pm
by Pre-Grouping Rail
Most of my customers will be aware that I have change my business name to Pre-Grouping Railways from Furness Railway Wagon Co. The new name better reflects what the company does as well as puts some clear water between my company and another who specialises in second hand OO. We now have over 140 wagon kit, 15 coach kits and 3 loco kit plus accessories in 6 scales ranging from HO to Gauge 3. Our newer kits are HD 3D printed tops with brass brakes and 3 point compensation units. Some kits are still only available in 7mm but I'm working through these to make them available in multiple scales. In addition to the rolling stock we now sell "Flippem Automatic Couplings" in both 4mm and 7mm. These work on the same principle as the old "Dingham" coupling but are height adjustable, 80% stronger and able to be used on tight curves (2ft in 4mm and 3ft in 7mm). Please visit our new online shop for more details of our extensive and expanding ranges.

Marc Dobson
Pre-Grouping Railways