LNER Guards Pocket Watch numbers.

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NER Y7 0-4-0T
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LNER Guards Pocket Watch numbers.

Post by Southcoates »

Visited the NRM today in York to enquire about the number inscribed on the back of my old guards pocket watch. I was actually issued this in 1979 as part of my guards equipment. Was given to me at the stores Hull Botanic Gardens. Had just been appointed a passenger guard. I used the watch till issued with Timex wrist watch.
Sadly pocket watch no longer works but want to know about the 4 numbers on back. Can they give a date when first issued and where? The NRM only had wall clock records and recommend you guys!
GER J70 0-6-0T Tram
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Re: LNER Guards Pocket Watch numbers.

Post by Cypherus »

Not long joined the forum so took me a little while to get this far.

I still have my 'Guards' watch, issued to me during my brief if eventful period way down the back of the bus so to speak and retained even after I moved onto the footplate by virtue of the fact that no one asked for it back.

I had two watches, the first was not an LNER numbered one in fact it had no number on it at all, just stamped GCR on the back and was what is known as a half hunter type with a small key to wind it up fixed to the fob chain, but it stopped working so I was issued with my current item, sadly it's a long way off right now so can't get the number but it is four numbers and starts with '1' I can recall also if you chose to you could probably drop an elephant with it the thing is so heavy

Jean the roster clerk was responsible for issuing these fabled items which she kept in a small wooden box in her desk draw with dividers so each watch occupied one division, 'One out, One In' was the system with the second from last division painted red, assuming it was the point a new box was to be ordered from stores, I recall she once told me they came down from York and were all sent back and repaired then re-issued as required so my guess would be they could end up anywhere in the system and go around many times over the years until they were as you say replaced by the wrist watch issue.
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