Gordon Scribner KX driver
Moderators: 52D, Tom F, Rlangham, Atlantic 3279, Blink Bonny, Saint Johnstoun, richard
Gordon Scribner KX driver
When I was a secondman at Kings Cross between 1974-1975 a driver that I recall seeing around Kings Cross and in the train crews messroom regularly was a thin, tallish looking bloke who may have been in his early/mid 30s at that time and a driver in no.5 gang I assumed anyway after I left Kings Cross later in 1975 I eventually returned to the signalling grade in early 1980 on the north London lines but around 1996/97 Gordon Scribner reappeared as my 'Local Operations Manager' for the north London line based at Hackney Downs station and having several s/boxes under his charge such as Dalston (Western Junction) Camden Road, Gospel Oak and several others until he retired from the railways I believe sometime around the year 2000/01.
Original start date of 2010 on the LNER forum and previously posted 4500+ posts.