Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Blink Bonny »

Ay up!

See the "mother" of one of 'em is trotting out excuses. They were drunk. They didn't know what they were doing. I've made him write a letter of apology,

Totally wrong what they'be done. Sadly most of the exhibits will never be repaired or replaced.
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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Horsetan »

Blink Bonny wrote: Thu May 23, 2019 10:25 pm.... the "mother" of one of 'em is trotting out excuses. They were drunk. They didn't know what they were doing. I've made him write a letter of apology,

Totally wrong what they'be done. Sadly most of the exhibits will never be repaired or replaced.
Probably an attempt to head off the CPS, and get away with a caution?
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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Paul_sterling »

"they have been forced to write to the club to say sorry"

Any NORMAL human being would have required to enforcement to apologise.

The CPS should consider that the overwhelming donations submitted shows just how angry the general public are in respect of what these under-age drinking, life destroying, waste-of-space-excuse-for-human-being, oxygen thieves, and throw the book at them AND Their parents.

AND while I'm on one, either (depending on how they came by it) the parents should be arrested for giving underage access to alcohol, or the shop that the yobbos got the booze from be done for selling alcohol without ID request.

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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Mersey508138 »

I completely agree and I would also go further to the point of saying that they should be made to do X amount of hours of unpaid work to help clean up the mess, help with any repairs and redecoration of the property.

Then aswell as that, contributing whatever money they would use to buy alcohol towards replacement of the damaged items for as long as the judge ordered would go some way to with any luck making them think before repeating anything like that.

Ok I know I'm 21 days off turning 46 but I don't drink because I would not want to put myself in a situation like that.
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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Mersey508138 »

I have heard news tonight that the parents of those involved in this hideous crime have all been ordered by a court judge to pay £500 each for compensation.

I have to say that is rather poxy really considering the losses incurred that day.
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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Atlantic 3279 »

As we have a criminal "justice" system in England that has been crippled as a result of constant interference by do-gooders and by the voting habits of weak-willed sentimentalists, who claim that even the most hardened, malicious, degenerate, amoral, criminally-minded vermin deserve delux human rights at the expense of the victim, and who perpetuate the daft myth that scum can be made into saints by gentle reform, the derisory "punishment" comes as no surprise whatsoever.
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john coffin
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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by john coffin »

Whilst I agree we have a somewhat less than perfect justice system, excepting last week's events near Reading,
too many higher management police bosses are without any experience at actual policing, hence their determination
not to give too much attention to "broken windows" which is designed to stop people starting on the criminal path.

However, there is another thing to think about with this which is These people are actual part of our target audience
to ensure that model railway's as a hobby keeps going. What is it that is going on that young guys out on the lash,
whether or not they should be, that means they have no respect for other people's property.
With the rise in Knife crime, particularly in London and other big cities, the liberals all want the government to
pay for services, but do not know what to offer, and moreover, forget that the government does not have any
money of its own, it ALL comes from our taxes. SO what are we doing to change the minds of these people.
Almost every model railway group lacks a decent amount of young talent, so what do we do about it??

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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Horsetan »

john coffin wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:11 pm...Almost every model railway group lacks a decent amount of young talent, so what do we do about it??
Could be a decent opening here for further research into Artificial Intelligence?
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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Paul_sterling »

Atlantic 3279 wrote: Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:36 am As we have a criminal "justice" system in England that has been crippled as a result of constant interference by do-gooders and by the voting habits of weak-willed sentimentalists, who claim that even the most hardened, malicious, degenerate, amoral, criminally-minded vermin deserve delux human rights at the expense of the victim, and who perpetuate the daft myth that scum can be made into saints by gentle reform, the derisory "punishment" comes as no surprise whatsoever.
Exactly Graeme, a recent report I studied on accountability (business management course) stated that "accountability is toothless if the punishment is much the same". This fits quite well with these oxygen thieves. They have no fear/respect of the law, because the law in this shining example (i.e. massively in the public eye), has shown that thousands and thousands of hours of toil and love that has been put into these pieces of art, regardless of cost, has been distilled into a bill of £500, how can the legal system quantify that?!

All being well, social services will get involved to find out why a group of minors had access to such quantities of alcohol (as the parents angle was "they were drunk", has actually likely incriminated them). but knowing our luck, they'll all pass the age threshold before anything happens.

Nevertheless, these second tier reprobates/animals will doubtless provide endless sociology/psychology doctorates as on why such behaviour should be persisted, doubtless written by other youths who delight in getting soaked out of their skins several nights a week.

Paul (now known as "the 32 year old, grumpy old man!").
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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Atlantic 3279 »

Whilst I am in favour of the idea that clubs and societies should encourage youngsters to become involved in activities that are not harmful to others, I do not regard it as the duty of those clubs and societies (or society as a whole) to find the time and money to do the job of raising the children of others in a morally proper way. My parents, and many others, quite correctly took the view that those who have the pleasure of creating children must stand the full burden of raising them. Human rights law is daft and dangerous in stating the right to have children, when it says nothing about limiting the numbers to something that the planet can support, nor anything about parents then having to support and guide those children rather than dumping them on society as a whole while both parents go back to work to finance an over-ambitious lifestyle, watch telly, play screen games, booze or take drugs!

As well as the rest of us doing our bit to encourage youth along the right lines, the law should place the full burden of the cost of crime on the convicted perpetrators.
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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by john coffin »

I agree Greame, it is the parent's job to bring up their kids properly, but since many are sent to school not knowing
how to go to the toilet, what hope is there?

I am definitely not in favour of soft justice, but do wonder how we stop the next step up. As I understood it they claimed
to have broken in by accident, but how did the destruction begin.

From what teachers tell me, they are unable to control the kids because parents are likely to attack the teacher rather
than accept that their kids are Sh**ts. In too many places today, it is someone else's fault not the parents, and reading the
comments by at least one of the mum's in this instance, they have little or no idea of what their kid is doing, and yet
I am sure that they have computers and smart phones, plus expensive trainers, so maybe we need to look at the justice
system having more teeth.
Sadly though the CPS seems only to want to pursue cases that seem to be a slam dunk, yet often they cannot even get that

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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Skaran »

As it is well known what the effects of excessive drinking can be rather than this be used as a mitigation or excuse it should be looked on as something which increases penalties. This story also made the news here in the Great Southern region of Western Australia.
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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Paul_sterling »


I will just add note of caution here, in respect of two parents working. The correlation between badly behaved children and both parents working is weak compared to parents on the dole.

My Son is now 2 years old. At the end of my Wife's maternity period, she went back to work, and my Son goes to a nursery, he is bright, happy, well mannered, and crucially, well socialised, through spending time with others of both his own age group and older, in a controlled/monitored environment. The computer games haven't been switched on since he was born, and as soon as he is home, we play with the Brio, with jigsaws, and he often comes to our smallholding with me, as he loves anything to do with machines, tractors and engines. He loves my railway, and is forever shouting to want to go and see the trains. Incredibly he (completely of his own initiative) can identify a "choo" or a "diesel".

We chose for him to go to nursery for a number of reasons, and financial was one of them, it was over £1000 per month in favour of my wife going back to work and having the cost of the childcare at a well rated local nursery, against my wife staying at home to childcare, and not having the nursery bills. Salary sacrifice is available to both of us, widening the financial decider further in favour of nursery. Our lifestyle is not over ambitious, but in these times where the golden final-salary/defined-benefit pensions of old, are long gone, we've had to plan for our retirement from the day we started work, so financial security does play a big part. Granted, there is no economy of scale in using nursery when you have more than one child, whereas stay at home there is, but as we are only likely to have one child, that is moot.

But, I do wholeheartedly agree that parents, are the focal point of blame in respect of the behaviour of their children, some will say "well I didn't teach them to do that!", but therein lies the problem, its what you didn't teach them in respect of manners, consideration, moderation, and respect-for-the-law-and-society that is the problem. Carp the parents of the guilty by all means chaps, I agree with you, but please don't tar us working parents with the same brush as these bottom feeders.

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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Atlantic 3279 »

Thanks Paul,

I'll gladly acknowledge that a properly arranged "both parents working" system can be perfectly acceptable. The key point I believe, is the one that you make, about the parents being actively engaged with the child or children, and teaching by repeated example, without the child or children realising that teaching is taking place.

Those who produce children and then proceed to treat the children as an inconvenience, expecting others to deal with them, are a major problem, as are those who imagine that their children will follow rules of behaviour that have not actually been taught.....
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Re: Model railway exhibition wrecked by vandals

Post by Paul_sterling »

Atlantic 3279 wrote: Tue Aug 27, 2019 9:21 am Thanks Paul,

I'll gladly acknowledge that a properly arranged "both parents working" system can be perfectly acceptable. The key point I believe, is the one that you make, about the parents being actively engaged with the child or children, and teaching by repeated example, without the child or children realising that teaching is taking place.

Those who produce children and then proceed to treat the children as an inconvenience, expecting others to deal with them, are a major problem, as are those who imagine that their children will follow rules of behaviour that have not actually been taught.....
Totally agree Graeme, and I have seen time after time people who naively think they can have their moment of smack-addled unprotected fornication, and then have no consequences, and those that do result in children, return to said activity without any regard for the current child, or subsequent conceptions.

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