NER Autocar - restoration progress

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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by sawdust »

Thank you for all you have done. Best wishes for the future.

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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by jwealleans »

Yes, best wishes, Simon.
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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by mick b »

Ditto , take care.
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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by JASd17 »

Look after yourself Simon.

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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by Autocar Publicity »

Thanks for the various good wishes. No developments with me yet but delays to 'normal' health treatment are to be expected given the priority given to cornavirus right now. Judgement Day has been deferred... I managed to get out to NGN yesterday and have had various e-mails this week about visitor numbers and was struck by the contrasts. The roads are busy, probably because supermarkets are heaving, sometimes with people fighting in the aisles over goods. (FFS... :roll: ) The local trains are, if anything, even busier than usual (and I wish I could avoid using them, given the chronic overcrowding and poor hygiene standards of some passengers). Private venues are very quiet, I suspect with many people consciously deciding to stay away from public events as much as possible.

As things stand, the autocar is due to operate next weekend on the Mountsorrel branch of the GCR. ... 876650405/ Given the current circumstances, it would be prudent to check before making special arrangements. (But not with me, I won't be in the decision making loop). Likewise, the Goods Galore Gala at the GCR the weekend after. If this running does go ahead, any pictures gratefully received.

Now wash your hands...

Stay safe everyone.
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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by Autocar Publicity »

Hello everyone. How three months change things! Lots of water under the bridge, both for us all and me in particular. I'm still a bit shaky but hopefully not about to keel over any more.

Unfortunately our UK tour is off, at least for this year. The matters of exhibition cancellations, heritage railway operation and society's restrictions have been discussed elsewhere and I've nothing worthwhile to share, so moving on ... since the last post I managed to get the newsletter out before lockdown started in earnest. Obviously this has restricted what we can do on the autocar and coach. It's not been a complete lack of hands on work but we've not done as much as we hoped we would have at the start of the year. Embsay is looking at re-opening but with the autocar down at Loughborough, even if we're able to transport it back, I suspect we'll miss at least some of our originally scheduled running. Right now, if you want a prediction, best to ask a gypsy fortune-teller. Though I will say we're intending to get another newsletter out for July. Bits are coming together and barring a relapse or crises, I'm quietly hopeful.

And I'm afraid that's about it. Apart from the usual comment about vacancies/volunteers being welcome...
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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by Autocar Publicity »

Can anyone help identify a picture's origin/copyright holder?

I have a picture sent in for the newsletter of the trailer coach (or a similar type) as was, intended as a comparison to what it looks like now. I'm told it's from the LNERCA carriage book but I don't know if they hold copyright or it's someone else (or even if it's out of copyright). I know some people are casual about these matters but I'm not one of them. I want to make sure we can include this in our newsletter without stepping on any toes or getting into trouble. So does anyone know this picture and if so, any ideas about who holds copyright (and who I have to ask nicely if we can use)?

(Edit: As per next post, picture deleted).
Last edited by Autocar Publicity on Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by Autocar Publicity »

Thankyou to the members who have been in touch privately about this. We've traced the picture to a NERA publication and I've just sent them an email. Fingers crossed.
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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by Autocar Publicity »

We were able to use the picture for the latest issue of the newsletter. (Our thanks to the North Eastern Railway Association, who held copyright). The hard copies were posted last Thursday, so I would hope everyone has now received theirs.

Current plans are to have our AGM on Saturday 7th November but obviously this is subject to the public health situation, both nationally and locally. We had originally planned to have a members day with free travel on the autocar, which would trip up and down the Embsay & Bolton Abbey line in between meetings and lunch. As you can imagine, we're keeping a close eye on the public health advice and given the uncertainty, have not yet made final decisions about what will/won't happen on the day. It's not unlikely that for this year at least, we'll have something more modest and have to ask intending members to pre-book and take PPE precautions. When things are clearer, we'll write out to members and let them know what we have planned.

The Embsay & Bolton Abbey Railway has reopened and is running trains within the new health guidelines.

There's not much else to say at the moment, we'll all continue to work as best we can in the circumstances.

Stay Safe.
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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by Autocar Publicity »

PS - newsletter email just in from Rails re decorated samples: ... c9-5758345
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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by Autocar Publicity »

Previous posts have talked about a DVD and paperback guide (and how we'd like a fund-raiser). Well, the former is now on sale at Rails, who are producing the 1:76 scale model of the autocar. ... utocar-dvd
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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by Autocar Publicity »

Hello everyone. I'm afraid the curse of 2020 has struck again. I have the latest newsletters - but this house is now in quarantine and I can't send them out. When I will be able to depends on several things, but it's likely to be early January before they are on doormats. Any members wanting an electronic copy and details of our virtual AGM (Saturday 23rd January 2021), please PM me or send an email to the editorial Gmail address.
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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by Autocar Publicity »

Happy New Year everyone. I'm sorry there hasn't been much news posted lately but 'things' have got in the way rather badly. On the plus side, I've been able to post all the newsletters out without further ado. Everyone should have received them by now, even allowing for the various problems Royal Mail are currently having. If not, please PM me.

Unfortunately I have had various issues to deal with over the last few months. On top of the existing problems, both parents contracted Covid while in hospital. One recovered, one died. Not the sort of Christmas present you'd want. The current public health restrictions have made dealing with things much more difficult than usual and I'm not feeling too chirpy.

The web-site has had an update and the newsletter described what progress we've been able to make lately. Short version: some but (unsurprisingly!) not as much as we'd have liked. The AGM is due next weekend, so there may be some news from then.

Take care & stay safe.
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Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by Autocar Publicity »

Hello everyone. Long time since I've been here - let's just say I've had my share of problems and things to deal with recently. I hope you've fared better than I and are healthy & safe.

Just a quick post to update you - the latest newsletter was sent out Saturday, so it should be landing on people's doormats anytime soon. Despite lockdowns and restrictions, some progress has been made. We expect the autocar to be out and about at Embsay over the next few months. Visits to other railways are off for the time being. The autocar now has curtains and passenger straps in the saloon and blinds in the cab (an unscheduled night run at the GCR caused problems due to reflections).
Autocar Saloon R (AC).jpg
The trailer needs heating installing under the seats and a test housing and installation proved we are on the right lines. More to go in later this year, subject of course to the usual disclaimer.

I'm pleased to say we also have a new volunteer to help with sales and some publicity. John has quite a track record and hopes to develop the sales side. The publicity side was a bit more of an arm-twist but over the last couple of years I've not been able to give the time this role needs and I hope that John can fill this gap.

I'll be back but need to get some things sorted out first. Making progress but still some way to go. Best wishes, Simon.
S.A.C. Martin

Re: NER Autocar - restoration progress

Post by S.A.C. Martin »

Looking absolutely exquisite there Simon.
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