Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

This forum is for all off-topic (ie. non-railway) discussion.

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Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by redtoon1892 »

I have decided to leave this forum for pastures new, the reason being one of my posts on metal theft showing graphic images of just what happens if tamper with high power electricity was removed by Richard as unsuitible as kids may be viewing even though it was clearly marked as having graphic content, in fact kids should see it and it may make them think twice before trespassing on the railway. It was removed in response to 1 complaint as against no complaints from the other 2031 members of this forum, I find this form of undemocratic censorship unacceptable.
To the do - gooder dickhead who complained its time you realised that this is the real world and things like this happen, hiding them dosent make them go away, you need to get a life.

I have learned a lot on this forum and I hope I have contributed to the knowledge base.

S.A.C. Martin

Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by S.A.C. Martin »

Firstly - why did you post the images earlier? I didn't complain as didn't have the time but would have done so. This is a railway forum. The tenuous link to metal thefts was precisely that, and the whole post god awful and unnecessary. Everyone here has a google search bar and can look it up themselves in any event.

It was in bad taste and was also irrelevant to the main topic of this forum - the London & North Eastern Railway.

Having said that you've posted some good stuff here, it would be a shame to leave on account of one misdemeanour, surely?
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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by Blink Bonny »

I'll miss you, Redtoon - you've made some interesting and thought-provoking comments here.

Don't be a stranger too long!
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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by richard »

There are lots of stupid things that are possible - e.g. sitting on a rail track. They are not an excuse for gratuitously graphic images, and I very much doubt that people doing such things would be reading this forum (or vice versa, readers of this forum will go playing with HT cabling). I doubt many mainstream newspapers or TV news programs would have published them either.

Putting something in the title does not automatically make it acceptable. Spam and pornography would have also been deleted regardless of what their title may have said.

I think you will be hard pressed to find any workable online forums that are truly democratic. They have to be moderated by people who can take quick action and not wait on a vote. Sure one person complained to me directly but that was just a heads-up. Usually such heads-up notifications are about things like spam.

I do not like to draw lines for moderatorial decisions. In the past I have asked people not to force me to do so - and that has worked very well. I hope it will continue to work well.

As Blink Bonny and SAC Martin have said, you have posted some interesting stuff here in the past, and you are still welcome - but you must also understand why we found those images unacceptable.

Richard Marsden
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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by mick b »

Well I was the Do Gooder etc which needs no response to the comment made above.
The post was horrific to the unprepared and totally unecessary. A title with Graphic Content will probably attract more people to open not less.
If you or anyone else thinks a five year old child or a pensioner may view such images by mistake or otherwise , then my mind boggles.
I am a man of the world and was in a proffesion for 35 years in which I assure you I saw numerous fatal accidents , suicides and all the other stupid things Human Beings do to therselves or others by accident or with intent.
I considered not replying ,but this is posted to confirm that it was not a anonymous complaint. It went to the Moderators to which I thank for their quick postive and sensible response to remove the post.
I have no grudge against anything else posted by anyone on this forum. I have been a member for a long time and was disturbed that such a post was done or even considered on any forum.
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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by 60800 »

I fortunately did not come across this post, but being one of the 'younger' and fairly new members of the forum I too find it unacceptable to post those graphic images, and would never even have imagined this problem would come about as there is an air of railwayman's respect on this forum and yes, this metal theft is stupid. I myself have been a victim of it at York and had to wait hours for a useless national express bus becuse some idiot ripped out the copper cabling :evil: . As has also been noted, this IS a railway forum and no-one on this forum is likely to try and damage our dwindling, yet still world class mainlines and heritage railways. To be quite frank anyone who does want to see pictures of people's fried limbs on a railway forum need serious help. I may not be five, but I am fifteen and we all know how intrigued teenagers can be when presented with graphic content on a plate. I also find it to be my duty to back up the 'current generation' and say that there are many youngsters who LOVE the railways, me included and it is the minority that are hooligans with malicious intent and we do not wish to be judged by their stupid actions.
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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by Multiprinter »

Come on Redtoon. Sit down and have another think.
I cannot comment on the post which has caused this situation as I didn't see it but what I can say is this:
Many of us have had a post or two deleted by a moderator on one forum or another and it can rankle at the time. If we left every forum that deleted a post there would eventually be nowhere to go and it is our loss not the forums.
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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by Malcolm »

Multiprinter wrote:Come on Redtoon. Sit down and have another think.
I cannot comment on the post which has caused this situation as I didn't see it but what I can say is this:
Many of us have had a post or two deleted by a moderator on one forum or another and it can rankle at the time. If we left every forum that deleted a post there would eventually be nowhere to go and it is our loss not the forums.
I agree. I too have had a post or two removed; posts that were put up in fit of emotion and thoughtlessness and later regretted. I would hate to see someone valuable leave this forum over, let's face it, a trivial matter.

Stay Redtoon. You are not the only one. The forum needs people with knowledge and experience.

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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by 60800 »

Yes, knowledge and experience to educate those of us less in the know. I'd never heard of back to back spacing, drawbars or different diagram A3 boilers before I joined this forum. It would be a great loss of knowledge if you were to leave.
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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by strang steel »

I join these message boards with the understanding that the owner's or moderators' decision is final. The fact that the decision may be undemocratic is a red herring in my opinion.

Whoever owns the site has the ultimate responsibility for its content, and that is fine by me.
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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by LNER Fan 60008 »

Don't leave the forum over one post, as others have said. I myself made a not-so-intelligible remark some time ago. I apologized for it, and moved on.
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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by mr B »

taking the 'micky' or what :mrgreen:

mr b ... m'mmmm
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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by Blink Bonny »

Let's hope Redtoon's seen these.

He may be around. Hello? :roll:
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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by mr B »

it happened to me, now i'm wondering, pay back time ?

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Re: Goodbye Friends,I'm tombstoning.

Post by sirbrian »

I agree with "strang steel".

Sir Brian
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