Stirling GNR J19 Tank Engine

Stirling GNR J19

In 1863, the West Yorkshire Railway ordered two 0-6-0T engines from Manning Wardle. These were taken over (with the rest of the WYR) in 1865, and were renumbered as 470 and 471. They were substantially rebuilt in 1872 by Stirling, and numbered as 470 and 471. These rebuilds were almost completely new engines with only the original wheel centres remaining. These engines were classified as J19 by the GNR (not to be confused with the LNER J19 Class), and were virtually identical to the other members of this class. Only No. 470 survived into LNER ownership.

In 1914, No. 470 was converted to oil burning using the Holden system, and the rear section of the coupling rods were removed (see picture). No. 470 continued to be described as an 0-6-0ST even though the coupling rods were never restored to their original 0-6-0 configuration.

Mainly used as a pilot in Bradford, No. 470 was moved to Hall Hills Sleeper Depot (Boston) in 1921, and renumbered as 3470A during an overhaul in 1924. This engine was finally withdrawn in 1927 when it was replaced by a Y1.

Technical Details

The following details are from the GNR Records circa. 1913, prior to conversion to oil burning.

Cylinders (x2): 16x22in.
Boiler: Diameter (max): 4ft 10.5in
Length: 10ft
Heating Surface: Total: 846 sq.ft.
Firebox: 74 sq.ft.
Tubes: 772 sq.ft.
Grate Area: 11.6 sq.ft.
Tractive Effort (85%): 13,818lb
Boiler Pressure: 160psi
Wheels: Coupled: 4ft 0.5in
Total Wheelbase: 14ft 3in
Length: 27ft 5.5in


None of the GNR J19s survived into preservation.


I am not aware of any models of the GNR J19.