Shipping Bibliography and Further Information

Railway and other Steamers Duckworth & Langmuir, 2nd. Edition, 1968

A Century of North Sea Passenger Steamers Ambrose Greenway, 1986

Steamers of British Railways Clegg & Styring, 1962

Short Sea: Long War J. de S. Winser, 1997

B.E.F. Ships before, at and after Dunkirk J. de S. Winser, 1999

British Invasion Fleets 1942-1945 J. de S. Winser, 2002

Convoy Rescue Ships 1940-1945 A. Hague, 1998

Lloyd’s Register of Shipping annual volumes 1905-1940

The Starke-Schell Registers annual registers 1875-1947

Wilson Line J. Harrower, 1998


Compiled by George Robinson.